
When to tell?

That is the question. Besides my husband, only one other person knows about this baby. Why aren't I telling people you may ask? Honestly, I'm a coward.  I don't want to hear the disappointment or disapproval in peoples' voices or see it in their faces. People can make some really mean comments about having another baby especially if you already have two or more. I know I shouldn't care, but when comments come from family and close friends, how can you not care?  Maybe this time I'll get a better reaction, but I doubt it. I'm not saying that everyone will have a smart ass remark, but enough will and that is why I hesitate. There has been so many times that I wanted to tell someone and changed my mind.  *sigh* Once I see the doctor and have an actual due date I'll start telling people, but until them mum is the word. 

Oh an in case you are wondering, my toe is much better. :)

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