
You make plans and God laughs

well this week, he must have been hysterical! I set out to finish my third quilt, the camo one for Nick who loves everything army related. Everything was going good, I was almost done and only had threes rows left to sew when the bobbin case broke. UGH! The closet place that had them was 1/2 an hour away in another state, so off I went on a road trip with my two younger ones and my mother in law. Yes I could have ordered it online, but wanted to get the quilt done and was too impatient to wait for it to arrive in the mail. So I got it installed, started to finish sewing and my bobbin ran out so I had to make a new one. So apparently the joke is on me. I did end up finishing it although, I am not too happy about it. For some unknown reason, some of my rows came up short and by a lot, but have no fear I know my little army guy will still love it and he won't notice the imperfections, just the fact that him mom loved him enough to make him a special blanket.

The pile o' squares

Sewing the X on the camo

Sewing the X on the green

Then on the khaki

Sewing the squares together to make rows.

 Tower o' rows

The broken one is on the left. Can you tell where it is broke? 

                             All fixed! 

Let's get it started.... 

Finally going to finish!

That is until I had to wind another bobbin. LOL

The finishing stitch that I used around the   edge. 

Before it was washed.


Woohoo! Another one down!

Doing the happy dance. I finished Allison's quilt today. I am very happy with the way it came out. As I expected it is very big, so when she is a college student, she can bring her blanket with her. <3

The squares all sewn together.

The quilt before ragging it.

                                                      The back of the quilt

After the ragging

A close-up

Front and back

Next will be Nicholas's blanket and then a special project.


Bittersweet day.

We had the boys' birthday party today. It was yet another "firsts" in a long line of them. This is the first birthday party we had since my mom passed. It is quite unbelievable that it has been six months already. I got a little weepy this morning because I was remembering this time last year was when her bouts with pneumonia started. She had to come to my boys' party in a wheelchair because she was so sick. I had told her not to worry about coming because I knew she didn't feel well, but she came anyway and now I'm grateful for that. I also remember this time last year having the most horrible dream. I dreamt my mom had passed away and I remember waking up crying. I wanted to call her right then, but didn't since it was the middle of the night. Perhaps it was my subconscious preparing me for what was t come, not that you can prepare for that.

I'm starting to feel very overwhelmed in life right now. It is as if I am in this big deep hole trying to claw my way out and every time I make it up a few feet, I fall back down. I know you are thinking, well what the hell did d you get the dog for?! Actually the dog has helped a bit, at least she doesn't yell at me or give me attitude.

While we are on that subject, what the heck is it with 7 year old girls and their attitude? Holy crap! I never recall having such an attitude at so young of an age. I don't even know how to handle it. All I know is that I do not look forward to puberty and PMS. LOL

The progress on the quilts have been halted a little. I had a migraine for several days. While I could take care of the kids, the household stuff and "hobbies" got pushed tot the side. I am hoping this week I can get my house back in some sort of order so I can finish up the quilts since it is definitely not getting any warmer.

Here is a new picture of Lucy.