
I went to Facebook!

I have to say, it was not my fault. I had clicked on a link on a fellow blogger's site and it took me there. However, as soon as I saw where I was I closed the window even though I noticed that I had 2 friend requests waiting for me. I wonder who they could be? I guess I will find out tomorrow. The worst time trying to stay away was the weekend, but I did it. I realize that I was FB as a distraction for the stresses in life. While that is not a bad thing, I also need to pull on my big girl panties and face them head on.

We have been doing some small renovations in our place the last month. First, I decided to paint the hallway, after all I bought the paint back in June. Then I decided that I hated the carpet on the stairs and hall. Seriously, the stuff was disgusting! It was old, worn down berber. So I ripped that up much to the chagrin of hubby. Then the banister looked cruddy so that got a fresh coat of paint. We also got new carpet for the stairs and hall. Yesterday hubby installed new exterior doors. I am pretty excited because the storm door is the one the screen rolls up into and the interior door has the blind in between the glass panes.  I start think about what project to embark on next, but then stop. LOL  It is just so much work. I would like to repaint my kitchen and living room, but I think I will hold off until the summer. Then again, who knows?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I don't know if I'd be able to stay away from FB that long, especially since it's on my phone! Good job!