

I was in intense pain yesterday. Of course it was exacerbated by the fact I had only three hours of sleep the night before. As a matter of fact the reason for such little sleep was because my head hurt too bad to sleep. Can you imagine? I was so tired, yet could not sleep because of pain and yet my Neurologist only thinks I need 10 pain pills a month to deal with the pain. What a crock. Thankfully my regular doctor will give me something even if it isn't as strong, it at least takes the edge off. I had even tried to ignore it and went out to breakfast with friends, but that didn't help. My eye felt like it was bulging out of my head, I was nauseated and the left side of my face was tingly. Nice , huh? That would just be another day in the life of yours truly. I am thankful that not all my migraines are that severe. Yesterday I was basically on my couch all day. Most of the time with a migraine, I can function. I know a lot of people just don't get it, but that is okay. Just because I am not writhing around or moaning does not mean I am not experiencing head pain. Sigh I try to not tell anyone I have a headache because I can only imagine how sick and tired my family and friends ore hearing about it. I know I am tired of it, how could they not be? When I woke up this morning, the pain was still there, but not as severe. I also try not take something if I can help it. Often just some food and coffee helps.  That worked for a bit, but then I had to unfortunately take something. You see, just the act of bending over and picking things up when I have a slight headache, intensifies the pain. Maybe people would use this as an excuse not to do something, but not me. I will not use this as a free pass out of the stuff that may cause me problems. I will just learn to adapt.  After all as the saying goes........

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I wish we could say "Migraine Migraine go away, find someone else to pain"

But to be honest we don't even wish it on our worst enemy. I have had one for four days, and I just can't even deal with, I have to take care of my baby.