
Wow, June 20th already?

This year is passing on by fast. Little Miss is almost 11 weeks old! Tomorrow is her baptism. She will be baptised in the same church I was baptised and in the same gown. It is the church I made all of my sacraments, where I got married, where my other children were baptised and where we had my mom's funeral service. The last occasion was not a happy one, so I want, no I need to have a happy memory there again. I know my mom will be there with us, watching over us. The days are getting better. I still have pretty rough ones, but the images of her sick in the hospital and ultimately dying, are fading and being replaced by memories of Christmas, birthdays, and camping. I remember her teaching me how to make kolacki in the kitchen. I remember going to midnight mass at church with her and her having to wake me up at the end of service because I fell asleep. I hold onto these memories like cherished stones and I pull one out and hold onto it whenever I need to.

We will be bringing Thing 2 back on July 14th for testing to see what his diagnosis is. I do know that we are probably looking at a diagnosis of O.D.D and who knows what else. You can go here to find out some more information about it. http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/children_with_oppositional_defiant_disorder
The description of this fits him to a "T" he has every symptom. I love hm to death, but some days it is very hard. I know God gave him to us for a reason, perhaps he thinks we could handle it or maybe he just thinks it is funny. What ever the reason, we will keep pushing forward and helping him as much as possible while trying not to go crazy ourselves.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I hope the baptism goes well today!