
Saw the doctor yesterday.

It went well, the office was nice as was the staff. The doctor was nice enough, she wasn't super friendly, but not necessarily cold either, just very matter of fact. They weighed me and apparently I have gained almost 7 pounds since the last time I was at my doctor's. I figured I had gained some weight seeing that I can only fit into elastic waist pants, but I wasn't expecting that, Damn double stuff Oreos! The doctor did the exam and as any woman who has an exam knows what I am talking. After the exam she takes out the Doppler(tool used to listen to a heartbeat) and starts saying how most women don't hear a heartbeat until about 12-13 weeks, but slender woman can hear it as early as the tenth week. Even though I am only 9 weeks, she'll try. Oookkkaaayyy *scratching my head* how is that some slender women hear it at 10 weeks, but me at 9 weeks am supposed to? So of course she can't find a heartbeat, yeah, big surprise. So she tells me she wants me to go to another room to get a quick ultrasound to in her words "Make sure something is there." Okay, now this woman has got me worried. So we go to the other room and she tells me it isn't an official ultrasound, just to check pregnancy. I got to see my little blob and was able to hear the heartbeat, which as I has said before is possibly the greatest sound in the world. She wants me to go in for an ultrasound to measure my cervix to help calculate my due date. She also gave me a prescription for my morning (all day) sickness, but told me to only take if I really needed it because it would make me drowsy. Well, I took one yesterday at about 3:30 and by 5:30 I felt like a zombie. Drowsy definitely did not describe what I felt like, I was falling asleep on the couch by 7. I decided against taking it today since I have to drive to and from the kids' schools, however I have actually felt pretty good today. Woohoo! I had a couple of touches of nausea, but nothing to bad.

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