In your spare time today can you ______? You can fill that in as you choose, running an errand, making something, or making phone calls. Are you fucking kidding me? If I had spare time to do anything it would be to pee. Because chances are I haven't yet done that today. People seriously don't understand what a day of a stay at home mom entails. If I am not taking care of kids, checking on my dad, taking care of the house, the animals, laundry, or volunteering at the kids' school I am trying to stay sane. Some days that in itself is a job. I don't regret being a stay at home mom one bit especially now that I have found a network of women I can talk to. (One reason why I volunteer at the school so much.) However it blows my mind when people actually think there is spare time to be had. Right now you may be trying to figure out how I can write this, well the kiddies are eating at the moment so I am taking a few moments to avoid the dishes to bitch. The list of what goes to the back burner can go on and on, but I don't complain because it is what it is. I can't drop the kids off somewhere so I can have a day to myself and since my husband has to work every day so we can have silly things like gas, they are with me all the time. Why not do stuff at night? Because frankly by the time dinner is done I am so drained I don't even want to move my ass off the couch let alone go get my hair cut(it has only been 9 months) or go to the doctor. So I just keep moving forward as Dory says.
The phrase that makes me want to punch people in the face.
In your spare time today can you ______? You can fill that in as you choose, running an errand, making something, or making phone calls. Are you fucking kidding me? If I had spare time to do anything it would be to pee. Because chances are I haven't yet done that today. People seriously don't understand what a day of a stay at home mom entails. If I am not taking care of kids, checking on my dad, taking care of the house, the animals, laundry, or volunteering at the kids' school I am trying to stay sane. Some days that in itself is a job. I don't regret being a stay at home mom one bit especially now that I have found a network of women I can talk to. (One reason why I volunteer at the school so much.) However it blows my mind when people actually think there is spare time to be had. Right now you may be trying to figure out how I can write this, well the kiddies are eating at the moment so I am taking a few moments to avoid the dishes to bitch. The list of what goes to the back burner can go on and on, but I don't complain because it is what it is. I can't drop the kids off somewhere so I can have a day to myself and since my husband has to work every day so we can have silly things like gas, they are with me all the time. Why not do stuff at night? Because frankly by the time dinner is done I am so drained I don't even want to move my ass off the couch let alone go get my hair cut(it has only been 9 months) or go to the doctor. So I just keep moving forward as Dory says.
He's Baaack...
This is how we first found him. |
He must have met up with the Tooth Fairy and got Allison's money. |
Hanging in my craft bin. |
He was climbing up my cabinet. This f-ing picture will not upload right on here no matter how many times I try. |
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A friend posted this on Facebook and it made me giggle. |
There is not much more heartbreaking
than your father crying. It gets me every time he cries and most days I can hold my own tears back, today was not one of those days. He started telling me how he woke up at about 3:30 in morning and knew it was time to get to work, so he got up to put on his uniform but could not find it. After getting angry he sat on his couch for a bit and realized he was in one room. He yelled for my Mom a couple of times then after she didn't answer and his surroundings came into focus better he remembered it all. He remembered that she was gone, that he was no longer living in his home and that he was alone. I don't know many people who could have kept a dry eye after hearing that, Hell I can't even do it as I type. Of course I try to figure out a way to help him remember, but how would I do that? I already made him a photo album that has everyone's pictures with their names. There is a calendar with the month and day on it. Do I make a poster telling him who he is, where he is and that she is gone? I can't do that, his heart would break over and over again. So I comfort him the best I can and tell him that it will be okay when in my heart I know it won't after all he is getting older and his memory keeps hiccuping on him. I fear that there will come a day when he doesn't remember me. Getting old is a cruel thing. My dad has lived a hard life and his body is much older than its 69 years. How is it fair that you struggle to live life only to be robbed of your memories, health, and independence at the end? I don't understand why your life ends in basically the same way you began it, crawling.
Do you ever just feel like a complete failure?
That is me lately. *sigh* I feel like I am failing as a Mother, Wife, Daughter, Friend, everything. I try not to be hard on myself and try with all of my might to allow things to be good enough, but I can't I have this constant voice whispering in my head that I am doing good enough or doing enough. I try not to let it bother me, but lately more days than not it weighs me down. My house is in a perpetual chaos of clutter and mess. It doesn't matter how often I clean or how much stuff I get rid of or organized. I try not to use the excuse of a small house to explain the clutter. Seriously though, our place is about 1000 square feet, not a lot to house 2 adults, four kids, a dog, and 2 cats. So definitely not a whole lot of wiggle room. I don't invite friends of my kids or Hell even my own over because it is so embarrassing. I have seen their beautiful clean, clutter free homes and cringe at what they are thinking when they come here. While I have fully accepted that this tiny place is ours for a very long time, I sometimes waiver and look over on the other side and see that the grass is a bit greener and they actually have one Hell of a yard unlike our sidewalk. I know a pity party will not help things, but sometimes it can't be helped. I feel like I am being pulled in so many directions that I can never do just one job great, instead I do them all half assed and definitely not good enough. Nothing will change anytime soon because I can't just quit any of my jobs, too many people rely on me. So I just need to accept that things will never live up to my standards and try to adjust them.
Just when you think you suck at parenting..
the kids prove you otherwise. With four kids aged 10 and younger you can imagine how crazy our home gets. There is almost always some sort of fight/disagreement going on. The place is a perpetual mess, no matter how often or how long I clean it. They come in like tiny tornadoes and undo all the hard work in a matter of hours. It is unusual for an hour to go by without someone screaming because someone is looking at them, hurt, or because someone got to the bathroom first. (Totally not kidding on that one!) Yesterday was the usual crap, but Allison and Nick got to spend the night at their Grandparents' which a rare treat. Lauren got very upset and wanted Allison to stay home with her. Alexander was also bummed that Nick wouldn't be on the top bunk that night in bed. So I took the two younger ones out for dinner and shakes to cheer them up. After we got home and bathed, I made some cookies and they got those too. They were super surprised because usually if they get a shake, that is it for the treats that night. Right before they were heading for their own sleepover, the phone rang. (The two of them were going to sleep in Allison's bed and watch a movie.) Allison was calling to say goodnight. She barely spoke to Andrew or myself before rushing us off so she could talk to Lauren and Alexander. She asked them about what we had done and gave them the okay to sleep in her bed. Nick was next to get on and spent more time talking to Alex and Lauren than he did us. When we woke up this morning, Lauren kept asking when we were getting Allison and Nick because she really missed them and wanted them home. When we went to pick them up, you would think it had been weeks in stead of 18 hours since the last time she had seen Allison. So we must be doing something right for these kids who most of the time act like they would rather be only children, to miss each other so deeply. Now we are all back home and they lasted about 2 hours before the fighting started. However, today I am trying not to let it bother me because I know deep down that they do really love each other and would be lost without them.
It is ADHD Awareness Week!
ADHD Awareness week goes from October 14th~20th, 2012. This week is to shed light on this disorder that many people still believe is not a real. For a parent with ADHD, there is nothing more frustrating than feeling incompetent to "control" your ADHD child. I know many people, family included still don't believe that Nick has it rather than it being a discipline problem. I've heard many comments including, if he was my kid and did that he would get his a** beat. Ok then, thanks for the input that wasn't asked for. People who do not have a kid with ADHD just Do.Not.Get.It. I wish it was a discipline problem, it would probably be easier to "fix". After all if it was because we don't discipline him properly, wouldn't the three other kids act about he same? Believe me most days I wish he didn't have it, you can't imagine how emotionally draining it is to deal with this day in and day out. However I recognize that Nick is who he is because of the ADHD. If he didn't have it, maybe he wouldn't have the amazingly creative mind that he has. He can create and build things out of Legos that you can't even imagine! He sees a actual object, car, house, boat, train, etc and he will sit in his room for hours building it until it is just right. When he gets a new Lego set, he uses the directions one time to put the set together and after that, it is all in his mind. On Friday he stayed in for recess with his teacher just to make me a very cute purse with duct tape that has magnets to close shut. I don't know many 9 year old boys who would choose to miss recess to make something for his Mom just because. He is still really struggling in school, but we are trying everything to help him. I have even written to the Special Services to get him reassessed and possibly get his IEP back. As many people know I will fight for my kid and do what needs to do in order for him to do well in school. We have been blessed this year with an extraordinary teacher who after two days with him approached me and asked if the things she observed were his norm. She goes above and beyond for him and I am so grateful that we got her. I know she will fight for my child as hard as I will.
The things I wrote in THIS POST are still true today, with an update on the ages.
Here are 7 Important Facts about ADHD
The things I wrote in THIS POST are still true today, with an update on the ages.
Here are 7 Important Facts about ADHD
Man, life got crazy!
In the months since the last blog, my life has become one Hell of a roller coaster. To make a long story short, my father became ill, was hospitalized, then in a rehab, and has moved. Phew. Those events all occurred from the second week of July up until two weeks ago! Throw in four kids, back to school, and back to work you can imagine how busy I have been. So now my Dad lives just minutes from me which is so much more convenient than the half hour he used to. I can check on him as often as I want and if he needs me, I can be there in five minutes. He is living in a retirement type housing. He has his own studio apartment, and so far he seems to like it. He goes to a dining room for three meals a day so I know he is at least getting out around other people 3 times a day unlike when he lived by himself at home and sat inside all day long by himself, not talking to anyone. I know this has been a huge adjustment for him, but so far so good. I was worried that the adjustment from the home he has lived in for over 35 years would have been very difficult, but he was ready and knew that he couldn't live by himself any longer. The thing he misses the most is his dog. So hopefully I will get back to blogging, at least more than once every six months.
They thought I was joking.
Boy did I prove them wrong. It started out as a quick trip to Wal-Mart, no big deal, right? Well not today. I told them all to have a snack before we left to avoid the I'm hungry, can we buy every food in sight deal. All but #2 ate of course, he was too busy flipping out about some piping that he couldn't pull apart. I know you are thinking, well if he was already in a bad mood, why go? I will answer that, because he is in a perpetual bad mood over one thing or another and sometimes it just takes a change of scenery to snap him out of said shitty ass mood. Today apparently was not the day for that to work. It was one whine or complaint after another, then they were all fighting. I told them once if it didn't stop, we would leave. Guess what? We left our partially full cart(nothing inside was perishable) in the fabric aisle. All throughout the store to the exit, there was crying and pleas to just go back and promises that the behavior would be better. I did not give in even though I really needed to get those things including a birthday gift for my niece and one for my husband. We came home, I fed them lunch and made them all go to their rooms where they will stay until the urge to throttle them goes away. They seriously thought I would turn around and go back in, but I didn't I had to hold my ground and teach them that I will follow through in what I say. So instead I will go this evening after my husband is home from work by myself and savior the quiet. I apologize to the employee who has to put my stuff away. If I hadn't left the store then I would have had a complete meltdown myself.
Good poem
I thought of you today, but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
I think of you in silence, I often speak your name.
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake from which I’ll never part.
God has you in His arms, I have you in my heart.
- UnknownI thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
I think of you in silence, I often speak your name.
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is a keepsake from which I’ll never part.
God has you in His arms, I have you in my heart.
Has it really been two months since I posted? I can't tell you how many times I sat down to post something, but didn't. Nothing seemed exactly post worthy. Life is hectic and I would be lying if I say some days I feel like I am barely holding my head above water. Sometimes I wish someone would call and offer to take the kids (Hell I would settle for one) for a few hours so I can get stuff done, but that won't happen. My kids have been out of school for over a month now and only my oldest has had one friend call to invite her to play. I have explained to my kids' friends' parents that I generally don't invite kids over to play. Our house is bursting at the seams with just our four that adding one or two more might result in mass chaos. I never can predict what Nick's behavior is going to like and it is just easier to not even bother to try. I feel like I am doing my kids a huge disservice, but what is the other option? Invite kids over and take the chance that Nick is going to have one of his blow ups? I would rather not even take the chance. Nick really has no friends and boy do I hear about it when on the rare occasion Allison goes to her friends house. I don't call parents and invite my kids to their house. They way I look at it, if they don't call they don't want other kids over. It doesn't help that our place is sort of secluded and we have no kids around us. I am just extremely grateful the four kids have each other. They may drive each other nuts often but they enjoy playing with each other. Ugh, see why I said there was no point in me posting anything. :>/
Sometimes a kid can sum up your feelings exactly...
That is what happened to me today. Since tomorrow is Mother's Day, I made my Mom a box with silk flowers for her grave. I always gave my Mom flowers or plants for Mother's Day and the tradition did not end when she died. I took the kids to visit my Dad and then we headed to the cemetery. We cleaned off her stone and put down the flowers. The five of us stood there quiet for a moment then Nick broke down because he misses her so much, which in turn had Allison crying. I was doing a decent job keeping my feelings in check until Alexander in his wise beyond his years voice said just plainly, "I just wish I had more time with her." Oh boy, did those floodgates I had shut, open wide! He summed up all of what we were feeling in just one simple sentence. Tomorrow will not be any easier because three years have passed, in fact I still can't fathom that it has been three years. The pain has gotten better with time, but part of my heart is still gone. The picture below was taken about a year before she died. We took her to the zoo with us and we all had a wonderful time. The kids thought it was fabulous that she let them take turns riding on her lap in the wheelchair and to this day still talk about how fun that was. So Happy Mother's Day to the greatest Mom I could have asked for.
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. ~Washington Irving
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. ~Washington Irving
My baby started school!
That's right! Lauren started school just four short days after she turned 3. We had evaluations for her through our school district since she was aging out of Early Intervention. She had been receiving Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy in our home so they were evaluating her on those things plus I asked that an Occupational Therapy evaluation be added. We had the evaluations and her IEP (Individualized Educational Plan) two days before she turned 3. Much to my surprise she qualified for Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Social Work through our school! I went in hoping they would still give her Speech and maybe Physical therapy and got so many more services than I had hoped for. (Her official diagnosis is Developmental Delay.) So instead of me taking her to the school everyday for these services, they accepted her into the Early Childhood program at our school! I was offered bus service, but told them no way. I was having a hard enough time accepting she will be going to school 5 days a week for 2 1/2 hours, I was definitely not putting her on a bus. LOL The first day was rough she cried, I cried(on the way home), but I got through it. It definitely helped that I have my niece there to keep me busy in the afternoon. The second day was a bit better, but she still shed a few tears. By day four, she was a pro at it. She has been going to school for about 2 1/2 weeks now and she runs to her teachers and gives them a big hug. *sigh* Ok, I am so happy she is thriving at school, but it is hard to see her so excited for someone besides me. She has all the teachers wrapped around her little finger as I had no doubt she would. She is just the sweetest little girl it is impossible not to fall in love with her. I have to giggle every time I see her in her backpack.
She is such a peanut! |
I've been making my own soap!
My not so fancy laundry detergent holder. |
So I was excited about making my own detergent, I decided to make my own liquid hand soap. Thanks to Pinterest I found this blog Hand Soap and off to the store I went. It was pretty simple to make and I loved the smell. Mine does have a sort of snot like consistency, but it works fine. I am going to try a different brand of bar soap next time. I made it February 13th, it filled an 8oz liquid hand soap container, a gallon milk jug and about halfway up a 12oz body wash bottle. I am now about half way through the soap. The cost was about $4-$5.
Grating away |
The soap Allison picked (I used 2 bars.) |
Kind of snotty. |
So not only am I trying to save some money, I am also producing a bit less waste because I am recycling containers I already have. How knows what I might make next....
Happy Birthday Mom!
It is hard to believe the last time I could say that to you in person was three years ago as I was visiting you in the hospital. Oh how the time flies! I think I will make a cake today to celebrate your life and will take the kids out to enjoy the beautiful weather. What I really want to do is lay in bed and wish the world would stop for just a few minutes, because it seems so unfair that the world can continue without your presence. We know that won't happen, so I will just keep pushing forward as I always do. So Happy Birthday my beautiful loving Mother. I hope you are rocking out with Elvis today.
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Such a character! |
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
I've been tagged!
A fellow blogger and friend Mama P tagged me, so it is my turn to answer some questions. :)
There are some rules:
1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
4. Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
5. Tag them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog
1. Post these rules
2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
4. Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
5. Tag them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog
My 11 random things.
1. I am so grateful my husband works two jobs so I have the privilege to stay home and care for our kids even though he hates it.
2. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream, but only the green kind.
3. The end of this month my mom will be gone 3 years and I still find myself going to call her to tell her something.
4. I love my kids more than words can describe.
5. I need to buy some new undies and socks. (hey they are supposed to be random things. LOL)
6. I hate grocery shopping with the kids.
7. I would love to go college, but am realizing that is a dream that will never come true.
8. I am blessed to have an awesome Mother in law and Father in law.
9. If I had to move to another state, it would be Pennsylvania.
10. I believe in ghosts.
11. I would love to see my family more often than holidays.
My 11 Questions:
1. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
Hmm, that is a tough one. Maybe wait a little longer between Allison and Nicholas. God that sounds terrible. Let me explain though. It is not because I couldn't handle it or even for Allison's sake. I would wait for Nick. Why? Because I truly believe me having him so close to Allison and the fact that he was three weeks early contributed to his ADHD and other problems. I don't care what anyone says, I carried him, I was the one who lost 18 pounds(never gained an ounce) with his pregnancy because I was so sick. I will feel responsible for his problems until the day I die because I feel when I should have protected and cared for him the most I failed.
1. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
Hmm, that is a tough one. Maybe wait a little longer between Allison and Nicholas. God that sounds terrible. Let me explain though. It is not because I couldn't handle it or even for Allison's sake. I would wait for Nick. Why? Because I truly believe me having him so close to Allison and the fact that he was three weeks early contributed to his ADHD and other problems. I don't care what anyone says, I carried him, I was the one who lost 18 pounds(never gained an ounce) with his pregnancy because I was so sick. I will feel responsible for his problems until the day I die because I feel when I should have protected and cared for him the most I failed.
2. Paper bags, or plastic?
It depends on the store, but mostly plastic.
It depends on the store, but mostly plastic.
3. When was the last time you tried something new and what was it?
I tried grilled octopus last Friday on date night. :)
I tried grilled octopus last Friday on date night. :)
4. What is your favorite scent?
I guess it is a toss up between new baby smell and lilacs. LOL
5. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
5. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
It depends on what you mean to teach. If I was a teacher I would want Kindergarten or 1st grade. If it is just teaching someone something, I want to teach my kids how to cook.
6. What pair of shoes have you had the longest?
6. What pair of shoes have you had the longest?
My pair of clog type black sandals my husband's Aunt bought me about 9 1/2 years ago while we were visiting her in Pennsylvania.
7. If you could change your name, what would you change it to, if you even would?
I wouldn't change my name.
7. If you could change your name, what would you change it to, if you even would?
I wouldn't change my name.
8. What are three "NEVERS" in your life?
I try not to say never, but I try to never tell my kids plans for things until the last minute in case something happens. One pet we will never own is a snake and I will never eat a rabbit
I try not to say never, but I try to never tell my kids plans for things until the last minute in case something happens. One pet we will never own is a snake and I will never eat a rabbit
9. What is one defining moment from childhood?
Racking my brain here..... Being told by someone important that he feels sorry for my future husband. To this day that phrase still haunts me.
10. Do you have manicured nails? If so, what color?
10. Do you have manicured nails? If so, what color?
Hahahahaha, not even close. My toenails are rocking a very chipped red look right now though and my nails don't have anything.
11. Name one new goal you can set this year to positively impact those around you.
11. Name one new goal you can set this year to positively impact those around you.
I am going to try and not be so negative about myself.
Now my questions for you...
1. Favortie body part?
2. What was the best meal you ever had?
3. Coffee or tea?
4. Favorite dessert?
5. Biggest regret in life?
6. What was the last wedding you went to?
7. What is your favorite book?
8. When was the last time you got your hair done? What did you do to it?
9. If you own any animal, what would it be?
10. What movie do you identify most with?
11. What do you like to do for yourself?
I tag
More health issues for me
because a brain that is sinking onto my spinal column is not enough apparently. I have been having chest pain/pressure for a few months, but it would just come and go so I never really thought about it. A few weeks ago it got really bad and freaked me out enough to go to the ER. After an EKG, blood work and chest X-ray it was determined I had gastritis. ( Taken from WebMd; Gastritis is an inflammation, irritation, or erosion of the lining of the stomach.) I was sent home with instructions to eat a bland diet and take Prilosec. I followed up with my doctor a few days later and he determined I had GERD based on my symptoms. ( From the Mayo clinic Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic digestive disease that occurs when stomach acid or, occasionally, bile flows back (refluxes) into your food pipe (esophagus). ) Off to the specialist I go because GERD is a factor for esophageal cancer and my father had both GERD and Esophageal cancer so I am at a higher risk for it. Gotta love genetics! I saw the specialist Monday evening and he insisted I get an endoscopy done the next morning. (That is when they stick a camera down your esophagus to get a look at things.) Apparently the fact that I could feel my food in the esophagus is a bad thing. LOL So I went to have it done, I remember the nurse pushing the meds to make me sleep then I was being woken up about 25 minutes later. I got some results yesterday. Apparently I have an esophageal ulcer, stomach ulcer, gastritis, esophagitis(same as the gastritis but in the esophagus) and the flap between my esophagus and stomach is too narrow. I also still have the GERD I need to go back in April for another endoscopy and a possible balloon dilation of the opening. Since he found so many things, I need a colonoscopy and ultrasounds of my liver, gallbladder, pancreas and lower abdomen. I swear things can never be simple with me. I am on 3 different scripts for the ulcers and such. Am I freaked that I may develop cancer? Sure, but I am not dwelling on it after all there is nothing I can do to prevent it. I will take my meds and try to keep the acid under control and that will help. I do not smoke or drink so that is also a good thing.
A couple of new quilts.
I was supposed to have these quilts done by Christmas for a friend's daughters, but I just couldn't do it. My friend was understanding and told me not to worry about it. Between sickness and just crazy life I was finally able to get them done a month later.
Pile of squares for the first quilt |
Took me 7 hours JUST to rag this baby and I had 2 to do.... |
Rear view |
squares for 2nd quilt |
All done |
Back folded over the front |
All done |
Close up |
Back folded over |
The back. I do not do patterns on the backs because I would drive myself crazy. However this ended up having an H in it. LOL |
Just a fraction of the lint that comes off one of these blankets. |
I have two confessions.
#1 I like the Barbie movies. :~P Yep, it is true. Miss Lauren has been on a "Bahbee" movie kick and I am happy to oblige. I do not think that she will suffer from a bad body image by watching Barbie either. Hell, I have a horrible body image and I hated Barbie growing up. LOL Anyway I would rather watch Barbie on loop for 24 hours than one episode of Spongebob. I can't stand that nasal voiced yellow square!
#2 My house is not spotless. There I said it, I got it out. On any given day, there will be dirty clothes in the hamper, dishes in the sink, and toys scattered all over. The boys room is basically a mine field and chances are no matter how hard you look, you will still step on a blasted Lego. (I still strongly believe the man who invented them had a huge dislike for his Mother. LOL) My floor are not scrubbed as often as I would like and I didn't wash the outside of my windows once last year. So if you come on by unexpected expect to be created my complete chaos. LOL If you give me a warning, I will at least get the pile of folded laundry off the couch so you have somewhere to sit.
#2 My house is not spotless. There I said it, I got it out. On any given day, there will be dirty clothes in the hamper, dishes in the sink, and toys scattered all over. The boys room is basically a mine field and chances are no matter how hard you look, you will still step on a blasted Lego. (I still strongly believe the man who invented them had a huge dislike for his Mother. LOL) My floor are not scrubbed as often as I would like and I didn't wash the outside of my windows once last year. So if you come on by unexpected expect to be created my complete chaos. LOL If you give me a warning, I will at least get the pile of folded laundry off the couch so you have somewhere to sit.
I know, I know,
it has been a while. Honestly though, there hasn't been a ton to post about. Ok, that was a bit of a lie, in truth I just have not been up to blogging. Let's see since the last time, Lauren has been potty trained. I am so proud of her, she was day trained in less than a week. I knew she was ready, I just had to wait until the kids were on break and I wasn't driving all over. We are still working on night training, but she wakes up more often than not dry. Woohoo, no more diapers (that is on the weekends) and we are saving money. She was especially excited because Santa brought her Dora underwear in her stocking. *giggle* My baby is now a self proclaimed big girl. It is a bit sad, but not as hard as I thought. I think it helps that I am still caring for my awesome niece M-F. She is a great baby and growing with leaps and bounds. She recently started rolling and rolling and rolling. LOL The kids have been good about keep small toys out of the living room and Alexander especially will make sure there is nothing that will hurt her around. Lauren also recently started physical therapy every other week in our home. She has low muscle tone and her right foot turns in. So far it is going great, she really likes hr therapist and has a great time.
We discovered Nick is allergic to Amoxicillin. :( It was not a good experience and I was pretty scared. He was on it and a steroid for Bronchiolitis. He went outside to play in the snow at Grandma's and used one of her scarves. Later that evening he had hives on the part of the face where the scarf was. I thought perhaps it was a reaction to the scarf, so I gave him Benadryl and off to bed he went. He woke us up at 5:30 the next morning almost covered in hives with a puffy face. No freaking out for me yet, I figured that his face was puffy because the amount of hives on it, but called the doctor to play it safe. He said give Benadryl and as long as he was not having problems breathing he would be fine, but if it got worse to go to the ER. By 10 am, his hives were worse,his face was still puffy, his hands were swollen and he said he felt funny. So off Nick went to he ER with my husband. Diagnosis, delayed allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin (he had been on it for 5 days at the point) it was delayed because of the steroid he had been on was keeping the reaction at bay. So they gave him more steroids and said Benadryl every 4 hours. We were supposed to go away overnight to stay at a hotel with a pool, but the doctor said no to swimming. We were going to cancel but Nick insisted we still go. We did and I still feel bad about it. If I would have known how bad the hives would have gotten I would have insisted we stay home. My poor boy was covered. His face was so bad there was barely any spot to see his regular skin. He had them from his ears to his toes. I sat for a good hour massaging his swollen feet and rubbing his ears to get him some sort of relief. He was happy to sleep at a hotel, but the whole time I felt like a horrible parent. I think he would have been a lot more comfortable in his own house. In the end he was happy we went, so I guess I just need to accept that.
Alexander graduated speech therapy last week. I love his therapist and was quite sad to have to leave her. I hope that when Lauren goes in to the school system that we have her. Alex was excited, but also sad to leave and actually cried. ( I have to admit I shed a tear too.) We have been with her since Nick was 3 1/2, so we have been through a lot. She was a great help to me when I had questions about Lauren's development. It is a great thing to find a teacher that will go above and beyond their job.
Allison is quickly entering her Tweens. I can't believe that she will be ten in March! She is such a smart and caring girl. Not that we don't have our fair share of attitude, but we deal with it and move on. While I can't remember that time of my life, I can understand what she is going through. She is trying to figure out where she is in the world. She is not a little girl anymore, yet she is not a young adult. It doesn't help that she is pretty smart. She reads at a 12th grade level! She definitely gets her love of reading from me. I am usually reading 3 books at once.
Elvis went home with Santa and we look forward to what he will do next Christmas season. So here are the last couple of pictures of Elvis in action.
We discovered Nick is allergic to Amoxicillin. :( It was not a good experience and I was pretty scared. He was on it and a steroid for Bronchiolitis. He went outside to play in the snow at Grandma's and used one of her scarves. Later that evening he had hives on the part of the face where the scarf was. I thought perhaps it was a reaction to the scarf, so I gave him Benadryl and off to bed he went. He woke us up at 5:30 the next morning almost covered in hives with a puffy face. No freaking out for me yet, I figured that his face was puffy because the amount of hives on it, but called the doctor to play it safe. He said give Benadryl and as long as he was not having problems breathing he would be fine, but if it got worse to go to the ER. By 10 am, his hives were worse,his face was still puffy, his hands were swollen and he said he felt funny. So off Nick went to he ER with my husband. Diagnosis, delayed allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin (he had been on it for 5 days at the point) it was delayed because of the steroid he had been on was keeping the reaction at bay. So they gave him more steroids and said Benadryl every 4 hours. We were supposed to go away overnight to stay at a hotel with a pool, but the doctor said no to swimming. We were going to cancel but Nick insisted we still go. We did and I still feel bad about it. If I would have known how bad the hives would have gotten I would have insisted we stay home. My poor boy was covered. His face was so bad there was barely any spot to see his regular skin. He had them from his ears to his toes. I sat for a good hour massaging his swollen feet and rubbing his ears to get him some sort of relief. He was happy to sleep at a hotel, but the whole time I felt like a horrible parent. I think he would have been a lot more comfortable in his own house. In the end he was happy we went, so I guess I just need to accept that.
Alexander graduated speech therapy last week. I love his therapist and was quite sad to have to leave her. I hope that when Lauren goes in to the school system that we have her. Alex was excited, but also sad to leave and actually cried. ( I have to admit I shed a tear too.) We have been with her since Nick was 3 1/2, so we have been through a lot. She was a great help to me when I had questions about Lauren's development. It is a great thing to find a teacher that will go above and beyond their job.
Allison is quickly entering her Tweens. I can't believe that she will be ten in March! She is such a smart and caring girl. Not that we don't have our fair share of attitude, but we deal with it and move on. While I can't remember that time of my life, I can understand what she is going through. She is trying to figure out where she is in the world. She is not a little girl anymore, yet she is not a young adult. It doesn't help that she is pretty smart. She reads at a 12th grade level! She definitely gets her love of reading from me. I am usually reading 3 books at once.
Elvis went home with Santa and we look forward to what he will do next Christmas season. So here are the last couple of pictures of Elvis in action.
I had been working on a quilt and I guess he wanted to sew too. |
Getting all clean to go home. |
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