
The phrase that makes me want to punch people in the face.

In your spare time today can you ______? You can fill that in as you choose, running an errand, making something, or making phone calls. Are you fucking kidding me? If I had spare time to do anything it would be to pee. Because chances are I haven't yet done that today.  People seriously don't understand what a day of a stay at home mom entails. If I am not taking care of kids, checking on my dad, taking care of the house, the animals, laundry, or volunteering at the kids' school I am trying to stay sane. Some days that in itself is a job.   I don't regret being a stay at home mom one bit especially now that I have found a network of women I can talk to. (One  reason why I volunteer at the school so much.) However it blows my mind when people actually think there is spare time to be had. Right now you may be trying to figure out how I can write this, well the kiddies are eating at the moment so I am taking a few moments to avoid the dishes to bitch.  The list of what goes to the back burner can go on and on, but I don't complain because it is what it is. I can't drop the kids off somewhere so I can have a day to myself and since my husband has to work every day so we can have silly things like gas, they are with me all the time. Why not do stuff at night? Because frankly by the time dinner is done I am so drained I don't even want to move my ass off the couch let alone go get my hair cut(it has only been 9 months) or go to the doctor. So I just keep moving forward as Dory says. Christmas , oops Winter Break is coming up so maybe I will schedule a hair cut then.

1 comment:

bigredmommy31 said...

hey if you want call my mom to cut your hair, or go to dina's hair salon. Otherwise one of the moms at prestons school charges 25, not sure what the includes like blow dry and style. I totally agree with you with all the things we do as stay at home moms, clean, feed the kids, take a moment for ourselves. Its not like I have 2, 15 min breaks and a lunch without being bothered.