
They thought I was joking.

Boy did I prove them wrong. It started out as a quick trip to Wal-Mart, no big deal, right? Well not today. I told them all to have a snack before we left to avoid the I'm hungry, can we buy every food in sight deal. All but #2 ate of course, he was too busy flipping out about some piping that he couldn't pull apart. I know you are thinking, well if he was already in a bad mood, why go? I will answer that, because he is in a perpetual bad mood over one thing or another and sometimes it just takes a change of scenery to snap him out of said shitty ass mood. Today apparently was not the day for that to work. It was one whine or complaint after another, then they were all fighting. I told them once if it didn't stop, we would leave. Guess what? We left our partially full cart(nothing inside was perishable)  in the fabric aisle. All throughout the store to the exit, there was crying and pleas to just go back and promises that the behavior would be better. I did not give in even though I really needed to get those things including a birthday gift for my niece and one for my husband. We came home, I fed them lunch and made them all go to their rooms where they will stay until the urge to throttle them goes away. They seriously thought I would turn around and go back in, but I didn't I had to hold my ground and teach them that I will follow through in what I say. So instead I will go this evening after my husband is home from work by myself and savior the quiet. I apologize to the employee who has to put my stuff away. If I hadn't left the store then I would have had a complete meltdown myself.

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