Okay, that sounds a little kinky, but I assure you it is not. I am after all talking about Mr. Lincoln, that is President Lincoln, you know the 16th president that got assassinated 146 years ago. You see the family, myself and the in laws went to Springfield, Il. to take in the sights and Illinois State Fair. We had a good time although there was a lot of whining from
me the kids about all the walking and such. I had a pain under my right arm that I thought was just a pimple that was being irritated by my bra. More on that in a minute...
So anyway, we left on our final day to go to Lincoln's tomb to pay or respects. The day before hubby ad father in law had to replace some wires in our van thanks to a piece of metal that decided to shoot around under our hood much like a pinball game and tear up some wires. So that crisis averted, off we went to the tomb. We visited, and left. No sooner are we on the expressway that our battery light comes on. WTF! I just had to take it last week to be replaced. sigh Maybe the wires came loose again? So we get off and the town had roughly 515 people. Ever seen the movie Doc Hollywood with Michale J. Fox? I was totally thinking about his movie. So we decide to get back on the expressway and go to one of the towns coming up that is a bit bigger. By this time we unplugged everything, shut off the movie (the radio had already went off by itself) and turned off the air. On the expressway again and the car just did not want to work. Pretty soon every warning light on our panel is on and the lights on the instrument panel are fading. yikes. So we get off the expressway at the next exit, smaller town maybe 89 people or so. We then took side streets to the next town which was much bigger and had a Dodge dealership. We pulled into a gas station to transfer the kidlets to my in laws car when our van decided it had enough and died. :( Sigh. So in the end, we were stuck in this town for many, many hours, but our can was fixed and we made it home last night, just 10 hours after we had left our destination. We were so thankful that our in laws were with and were able to help us out. We took the kids to see the Smurfs in this cute movie theatre right out of the fifties to kill time. The kids loved our little side adventure.
Now, about that sore.. So it was getting worse and I noticed a new spot had turned up. By the time we got home last night, I told hubby that I needed to go to the doctor today because I was worried it was infected. We of course he Googles what it looks like and tells me he thinks I have shingles! WTH, the thought had sort of crossed my mind earlier, but I just shoved it aside, after all it is an older person's illness! Well, we discovered two more red blistery spots on my back. Off to the doctor I went today and Dr. hubby is correct, I have a classic case of shingles. Yippee. Doctor called in a prescription for an anti viral medicine and some pain relievers because as she said and I quote, "You are going to need them." I'm guessing she is right. Since this morning, the pain in that area has gotten worse, not unbearable, but enough to where I can barely lift that arm.
So maybe I should have rubbed Old Abe's nose for Good Luck, perhaps he jinxed me.
Yes folks, that cow is completely made of butter! Just one of the fun things at the State Fair. |
21 gun salute at Lincoln's tomb during a flag ceremony. |
That Damn nose! |
Outside the tomb. |
I like to label this one, Oh Shit! |
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