Yes, two days in a row, can you believe it! Usually the need to craft doesn't arrive until the fall weather turns to crap, but it has come early this season. Maybe my body thinks it is fall since we have been basically hibernating from the heat. Who knows? Today I made four more burp rags and used the scraps of the last quilt I made to make a cute little doll quilt. Super simple and I had it done in a couple of hours. Only two problems, first, I really need to replace my spring loaded scissors. They are so dull they couldn't slice a banana, so I have been using regular scissors. Can you say ouch? Imagine sniping fabric for hours on end. The other problem from today, I sewed my finger. Yes, you read that right. While I was sewing, I was going a bit too fast and decided to try and adjust the fabric and oops, my finger slipped under the needle. I was thisclose to passing out. The pain wasn't intense and thankfully I wasn't stitched to the fabric. *giggle* I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, after all I had four kids, but just the thought of that thing going through my finger would be enough to give anyone the shivers.
Burp Rags |
Doll quilt |
Back of doll quilt |
Sarah the Cabbage Patch modeling the quilt. |
Same blanket, just taken with flash. |
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