The chaos and fighting at my house between the children has reached epic proportions. It has been a long time since I dreaded the time they got out of school everyday. I dread mornings and basically anytime #1 & 2 are home. Sad I know, but that is my reality. This morning for example I am awoken by my kids fighting with each other and then arguing with me because they aren't allowed candy from today's Advent calender. Yes folks, I am a horrible mommy for not letting them have one piece of candy at 6:30am before they have even had breakfast. Someone call the cops. So I explain that the candy can be eaten after school. Guess what #2 did? Pulled the piece out, started putting it toward his mouth all the while repeating that he is going to eat it because it is already out. He finally puts it back after much yelling on my part and arguing on his. I finally told him the whole thing would be garbage if he ate the candy. I seriously would have tossed them. What the heck, I hadn't even had coffee! That right there is a crime, maybe I should have called the cops. Hmm, being locked in a cell by myself for a while doesn't seem too bad right now. They don't even care that Christmas is just weeks away, because as #2 put it this morning, "Go ahead and call Santa, he sees what we are doing all the time anyway and will still bring us something!"
You know what, the little monkey is right. I can't not give my children something for Christmas as much as I would like to. *sigh*

A certain Elf should be arriving in a few days and I hear he reports back to Santa on behavior every night. Perhaps, he will bring a letter back to the kids from the big man.
So, if any of you parents out there have any advice for me, that is besides running away or ducting taping them all to the wall, I would love to hear it.

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