Mother's day has come and gone and so has Father's Day for that matter. I got the standard school gifts from the kids and a radio from my other half. Notice I didn't say better half. ;~) Summer is upon us! The kids have been out of school for 3 weeks now and it seems as if we are forever going. The kids just wrapped up soccer and softball. I was very proud that my daughter made the All Stars game in softball and this was her first year of playing! She will definitely be joining softball again next year. My older son loved soccer and will be joining next year again too. Things have been good with him. We are still trying to find the right dose and combinations of medications. The progress that he made in school in just the 3 1/2months that he had been on it was truly amazing. He went from being below average, not even on the charts in the beginning of January to being just under above average at the end of May! If I had any doubts of medicating him, they have long gone. Of course the medicine is not a cure all. We are still having behavior problems, but nothing like it was.
We will be taking a long vacation this year. Let's just say I can use all the prayers you have. LOL Being in a car with 4 kids for over 24 hours is what I will be faced with soon enough. I have to admit, I am not really looking forward to the trip. Long car rides always raise my anxiety level. I will just make sure I bring some good books to keep me occupied. We have a plan of action for the kids. We have a pull down dvd player and two portable dvd players for the kids, just in case they don't want to watch the same things. We have also purchased new movies, little toys and hid them for the trip. They all have a small basket of toys that they will brings along with coloring supplies and MP3 players. Oh, did I mention my in-laws will be traveling with us, but in their van so we can always toss a couple of kids in with them. The biggest one I am worried about it the baby. Since she started walking, she does not like to be held down for too long, I can't really blame her. I still have her rear facing since studies have found that it is safer and also because she is a peanut. She is just on the 25th percentile for her size. I recall a similar trip when my oldest was about the same age and she cried, no I mean screamed for the last 2 1/2 hours of the trip! Oh, that reminds me, I need to get some ear plugs. *giggle*
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