
She's crawling!

Yes, I am actually excited that my baby is mobile. To be honest I was getting a little worried, although I played it off by saying that we don't encourage independent movement. LOL She has been able to get around by scooting on her butt, so she wasn't completely immobile. She'll be 11 months in just under two weeks.  Man has the time flown by! I remember that high school seemed to drag on, but ever since life seems as if it is on fast forward. I'm sure that has something to do with the fact that I am slightly busy.

I am amazed that I have been able to survive this past year.  It just goes to show that Lauren definitely had a reason to be here. I don't think I would have been able to handle my mom's passing without her (of course the rest of my family too.) .

Unfortunately my children recently had to deal with another death. Our cat Cassie passed away four weeks ago. She was a beautiful cat, yet a very mean one.  I was there for her when she passed and I petted her and told her I loved her. I must admit that it took them three weeks to realize she was gone. I took her to the vet one day and came home without her. I'm not sure what to think of that. My oldest was upset because she received Cassie as a Christmas gift one year, but to be honest, the cat only really liked me.

My oldest son has been finally been diagnosed with ADHD. Talk about a sigh of relief to finally have answers. The new doctor we are going to is great. We decided to medicate him for now. It is affecting his performance in school so we felt it was the right decision. After all who am I to say no medication when I myself has to take a pill everyday for depression and anxiety?  I have looked into changing his diet, but unfortunately he is a very very picky eater and more than likely I would end up taking what little foods that he does eat away. His medication does not make him into a zombie. He is just a more low key version of himself. The medication is definitely not a cure all. He still has issues, but we are trying to work through them.  I keep trying to remind myself of one of my mom's favorite sayings, "God only give you what you can handle." Some days though, I think he has a lot more confidence in me than I do. LOL

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I can't believe she is almost a year, Holly. That is just crazy. I remember coming over almost a year ago to have Portillo's with you and gettin' some Lauren love :)
