Jo-Ann fabrics was having a pretty good Labor Day sale and I jumped at it. I have been wanting to make the kids rag quilts, but kept talking myself out of it because fabric is expensive. I decided this time though that I was going to do it. After all a blanket made by mom is way better store bought quilt. You know because of all the love put into it and all that jazz. Thanks to a friend showing pictures of her gorgeous quilt I decided that I could do it. So I went to the store clutching my $100 bill that I had found while cleaning out my husband's car (after all finder's keepers ;o) ). I was just going to get fabric for my two older since I will be repainting their room. So I picked out the fabric and took a number for it to be cut. I was a good 10 people behind and had a very antsy 2 almost 3 year old so I took him to pick out some fabric for his fire truck bed. Holy Cow! If I don't have a headache by the time I am done making his quilt I will be amazed, let's just say they aren't the calmest colors around. LOL In order to make myself get moving on these blankets, I am going to post pictures here of my progress. I decided to start on Alex's quilt first since it won't be as big as Allie and Nick's.
The fabrics
Getting started, I know you are jealous of my own homemade template. You too can have a jazzy one like that, all you need is an old plastic place mat. :)
All cut... or so I thought. I ended up having to cut some more.
Getting ready to sew. Little did I know my spool pin was snapped off.

Thankfully I have a wonderfully handy husband who ran to Home Depot to get something to fix it. :)
The batting inside, I debated back and forth about having batting, but in the end I decided to just do it.
Sewing! now you can see why I said I may have a headache from this fabric. LOL
Stayed tuned for more progress on this event.
Looks good Holly! I love the colors you guys picked out. I had a very similiar homemade template. Whatever works right? *giggle*
That's awesome!! I wish I had the patience to do something like this. I can't wait to see the finished product.
BTW, the word verification Blogger is asking me to retype (to verify that I'm human) is hookers. It made me laugh so I thought I'd share it with you too :)
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