I'm now in the third and final trimester. Now is when time starts to move at a snail's pace. I guess I should be nesting or thinking of names, but have been too sick and tired to even try. I am trying to recover from a nasty sinus infection that had me in bed for three days. However, the recovery is taking a lot longer than I would like. I was pretty worn down when I got sick so guess that is why I'm not bouncing backing quickly. I had to go to the hospital yesterday for an ultrasound because I was having a lot of discomfort above my pelvis. It turned out that everything is fine with me and the baby. The baby was just as stubborn this time about opening "her" legs as last time. I did say "her" because even though the tech couldn't get a great look, she didn't see a penis, but that still doesn't mean there isn't one hiding. Although it would be nice to be able to use she or he in a definite sense, I know that it will be awesome in the end to finally find out. I just hope this little one isn't as stubborn when he/she is born as it is now, if so, then we are in for a whole lot of
trouble fun. The tech was able to give us some good pictures this time. The one were you see the arm and hand, right under is the knee and leg. As you can see, the baby is almost holding on to her/his leg, of course this is to ensure a tight seal of those legs. LOL *If you click on the picture, you should be able to make them bigger. *

Information on a 28 week fetus:
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
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