Yesterday afternoon I was trying to break up a fight between my older two and somehow injured my big toe. I thought that I had just stubbed it, but after an hour and a half of it still hurting and starting to look funny, off to the immediate care I went. Of course my husband had gone to work right before I hurt it so I had to get my father in law to take me. Oh, did I forget to mention that it is on my driving foot? So I get checked in and wait to get
triaged where I completely forget to tell the nurse who was triaging(is that even a word?) that I'm pregnant. See my brain is still not
comprehending this important info. So she sends me to X-ray. Do you think they offered to get me a wheelchair? No, so I walk or I should say hobble/limp to x-ray where the tech asks me the last date of my period I tell her and then say I think I'm pregnant. THINK? Jeez, I know I am because the test said so! So she calls someone who says I can't get the x-ray because of the pregnancy. So I limp back to the waiting room to wait for the doctor. After about 1/2 hour, I finally get into to see the doctor who says I need an x-ray. I explained that they told me no. She said that is ridiculous because it is my toe and they can just shield me. Whatever. She at least has them come get me in a wheelchair. So I get the x-ray, go back to the room to wait some more. The doctor said no breaks or dislocations, just a sprain. So I was told to ice it, take
Tylenol and elevate. I asked if I should wrap it and she said no. So I hobble home feeling like I
complete wasted my time and my insurance's money.
Fast forward to last night. I am in so much pain I can't sleep or even lay still. I might as had been taking a vitamin instead of the Tylenol. Finally around midnight I started researching Tylenol Pm on the Internet and found that it is considered safe. So out of sheer desperation for some sort of sleep, I took one. Ahhh, sleep at last.
I awoke this morning in as much pain as I was last night. I called the immediate care again and they said the radiologist re-checked the x-ray and found I had a soft tissue damage and swelling by the joint. I can't take anything stronger than regular Tylenol because I am so early in the pregnancy. Can we say OUCH?
Just now at 5pm he pain is somewhat tolerable. I'm curious how the rest of the week will go...

Here is a picture of the oh so attractive shoe I had to wear.
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