
When times get tough

you learn who your true friends are. I said before when my mom passed and I will say it again now. I learned who I can really lean on when things are at their worst. They are the people who often asked how my dad was even if I never brought up the subject of him. They are the ones who texted, called, or facebook messaged me after he passed just to say sorry or offer some support.  I was shocked and humbled at the show of support we have received from friends.  Just a simple call, text, or email was enough to show me the someone actually cared about what I was going through. I was also shocked at the people who I had assumed would be the ones for me that failed me. However life goes on and I realize that not everyone knows how to react in a situation like this. I just hope when they are in a similar situation that they realize how their behavior or lack of it can deeply wound a person. I am just happy for those who did show they cared and grateful that I have a great group of people behind me holding me up with their support.

“In times of grief and sorrow I will hold you and rock you and take your grief and make it my own. When you cry I cry and when you hurt I hurt. And together we will try to hold back the floods to tears and despair and make it through the potholed street of life” ~Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook