
I know, I know,

it has been a while. Honestly though, there hasn't been a ton to post about. Ok, that was a bit of a lie, in truth I just have not been up to blogging. Let's see since the last time, Lauren has been potty trained. I am so proud of her, she was day trained in less than a week. I knew she was ready, I just had to wait until the kids were on break and I wasn't driving all over. We are still working on night training, but she wakes up more often than not dry. Woohoo, no more diapers (that is on the weekends) and we are saving money. She was especially excited because Santa brought her Dora underwear in her stocking. *giggle* My baby is now a self proclaimed big girl. It is a bit sad, but not as hard as I thought. I think it helps that I am still caring for my awesome niece M-F. She is a great baby and growing with leaps and bounds. She recently started rolling and rolling and rolling. LOL The kids have been good about keep small toys out of the living room and Alexander especially will make sure there is nothing that will hurt her around.  Lauren also recently started physical therapy every other week in our home. She has low muscle tone and her right foot turns in. So far it is going great, she really likes hr therapist and has a great time.

We discovered Nick is allergic to Amoxicillin. :( It was not a good experience and I was pretty scared. He was on it and a steroid for Bronchiolitis. He went outside to play in the snow at Grandma's and used one of her scarves. Later that evening he had hives on the part of the face where the scarf was. I thought perhaps it was a reaction to the scarf, so I gave him Benadryl and off to bed he went. He woke us up at 5:30 the next morning almost covered in hives with a puffy face. No freaking out for me yet, I figured that his face was puffy because the amount of hives on it, but called the doctor to play it safe. He said give Benadryl and as long as he was not having problems breathing he would be fine, but if it got worse to go to the ER. By 10 am, his hives were worse,his face was still puffy, his hands were swollen and he said he felt funny. So off Nick went to he ER with my husband. Diagnosis, delayed allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin (he had been on it for 5 days at the point) it was delayed because of the steroid he had been on was keeping the reaction at bay. So they gave him more steroids and said Benadryl every 4 hours.  We were supposed to go away overnight to stay at a hotel with a pool, but the doctor said no to swimming. We were going to cancel but Nick insisted we still go. We did and I still feel bad about it. If I would have known how bad the hives would have gotten I would have insisted we stay home. My poor boy was covered. His face was so bad there was barely any spot to see his regular skin. He had them from his ears to his toes. I sat for a good hour massaging his swollen feet and rubbing his ears to get him some sort of relief. He was happy to sleep at a hotel, but the whole time I felt like a horrible parent. I think he would have been a lot more comfortable in his own house. In the end he was happy we went, so I guess I just need to accept that.

Alexander graduated speech therapy last week. I love his therapist and was quite sad to have to leave her. I hope that when Lauren goes in to the school system that we have her. Alex was excited, but also sad to leave and actually cried. ( I have to admit I shed a tear too.) We have been with her since Nick was 3 1/2, so we have been through a lot. She was a great help to me when I had questions about Lauren's development. It is a great thing to find a teacher that will go above and beyond their job.

Allison is quickly entering her Tweens. I can't believe that she will be ten in March! She is such a smart and caring girl. Not that we don't have our fair share of attitude, but we deal with it and move on. While I can't remember that time of my life, I can understand what she is going through. She is trying to figure out where she is in the world. She is not a little girl anymore, yet she is not a young adult. It doesn't help that she is pretty smart. She reads at a 12th grade level! She definitely gets her love of reading from me. I am usually reading 3 books at once.

Elvis went home with Santa and we look forward to what he will do next Christmas season. So here are the last couple of pictures of Elvis in action.

I had been working on a quilt and I guess he wanted to sew too.

Getting all clean to go home.