
An Open Letter of Sorts.

Dear Parents with Different Beliefs,

 I understand your need to teach your children what you believe in and I think it is a wonderful thing. I don't care if you don't teach your children about mythical beings such as Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny or whatever mythical person we enjoy. That is your choice and thankfully we live in a wonderful country where we can believe in anything we want. I don't care if you believe that a large turkey is actually what why celebrate at Easter or it is because Christ rose from the dead. All I ask is that you do not push your ideas on my children. I teach my children about these mythical beings and the reason why we as Catholics celebrate the Holidays. My children know Santa comes on Christmas with gifts just as they know the three wise men brought gifts to the newborn Christ. (Let's not get into the fact they no one really knows if December 25th is the actual day of birth.) See, those are my beliefs and I do not try to tell a that is not mine child any different then what they are taught. I am tired of my children coming home from school telling me that so and so are telling them that there is no such thing as Santa and others.  I think it is ridiculous that my four year old comes home crying from preschool because he is told meanly that there is no such thing. What should I say? I just tell them that I believe and not to listen to what others say. Perhaps we are wrong in lying to our children, but that is our choice. My parents lied to me and my brothers and I don't see that it hurt us. What is so wrong with children believing in a little bit of magic in this world? I still believe in Santa Claus or that is the spirit of St. Nicholas. Does that make me wrong? No. So please, teach your children what you believe, but also teach them that others have different beliefs. Teach them not to tell other children they are wrong just because their beliefs are different. I teach my children that not everyone is the same or has the same beliefs and that is a great thing because life would be pretty boring if that was the case.

A Mom who believes. : >)


I really wanted to slap her.

I did and if it wasn't for the way my mom raised me, I might have. The incident took place a month ago at a friend's surprise Birthday party. I was sitting at a table with other people that were friends with the birthday boy um, guy. I knew the woman next to me and she had just had another baby a few months previously. I asked her how life with two was going. She said pretty good, but some days are harder than others. She then said how she didn't know how we did it with four. I just smiled as usual, the bitch woman seated across from me had a different reply. With a look of pure disgust she said "You have FOUR kids?!" You would have thought I just said we had 20 kids or that I raise dragons to eat people like her.  I said yes and she replied, "We only have two because there are only TWO of us." *Insert eye rolling here* I told her that she did have two hands. *giggle* At this point my blood is boiling and I could feel my hands shaking.  She then went on and on about how she has a sister in law who has five kids and she never knows where they are at or what they are doing. She included some more stories of her sister in law's apparent lack of parenting. I just looked at her and did not say another word. I had texted my friend that I was going to beat the crap out of this woman because of her comments and innuendos and she called me and made me leave the party for a minute. She reassured me that I was a great mom and my kids were awesome. She also pointed out that this woman obviously has issues and were taking them out on me. Have I mentioned before how much I love my friends? So I went back in with my head held high and tried to enjoy the party. She made it a point to make a snarky comment and talk over me at any chance she got. I finally just had to stop trying to have other conversations. Her husband wasn't too bad, but was throwing back beers like he was in a desert and didn't know when he would get his next drink. After they left to which I pointedly did not say bye to her I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I could not believe that I had allowed a stranger to make me feel so little. Why do I have to defend that we have four kids? Why do people feel they have a right to make comments about my four kids, but not make comments at those who have only one or two kids? How is it that I become this leper by the mere mention of my having four kids? Yes, I have F-O-U-R kids. They are all well taken care of and from what everyone who comes in contact with them are awesome, caring kids. (I believe that too, but it helps to have a third party comment.) :) So to the bitch who had the balls to make a comment about my kids, who she has never met, Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on.*

*Yes, I swore, no I do not make it a daily occurrence,  but sometimes it is warranted.*

 I need to get one of these awesome shirts. 


What can I say?

I know it has been a while. I have not been blogging because of my lack of subjects, but more because there are just too many things bouncing around in my head to pick one. I think I should just start jotting the ideas down so I can just pick one as needed.

Here we are, the third week of September already! The kids are all back in school and loving it. Allison has always loved school, but I think this year will be her favorite. Come to think of it, I think 4th grade was my favorite too. Her loving school has also been helped by the fact that she has had great teachers. I still am baffled that she is in 4th grade already, I swear she was just clinging to me begging me not to make her go to preschool.

Nicholas is in 2nd and so far it seems to be going well. His teacher is great and I have already had to contact her about some homework issues. Unfortunately by the time he gets home from school his medication has worn off and it takes a while for the second one to kick in, so that makes for a very unpleasant after school routine. I have been letting him just kind of play and decompress after school for an hour before making him sit down to do homework and even that is a struggle. It almost always leads to tears and yelling about how stupid it is. Yesterday's homework couldn't have been easier. He got three words wrong on his spelling pretest and had to write those three words correctly ten times each. Really a no brainer, but you would have thought he needed to find the square root of pi! I think a lot of it was frustration with himself because the week before he got a 100% on the pretest and got out of taking the big spelling test that week. It took about an hour for him to do it and I finally just took it away from him and told him he could finish it in the morning before school.  My poor kid has such low self esteem and is constantly saying how stupid he is, which is far from the truth. We are trying to build him up, but it is hard when he is constantly tearing himself down. He turns 8 next week and he is having his first friend Birthday party. He got to invite 9 kids and handed out invitations 2 weeks ago. Guess how many people have RSVPd? 4! He is getting worried, but I told him that even if those four only show up, we will still have a great time. I put my phone number and email on the invites, how much easier can I make it? Perhaps next time I will put my cell umber and tell them to text me. UGH!

Alexander is in his final year of preschool and is enjoying it. It helps that he is at the same school with the same teachers and some of the same kids. The first day there were tears shed, but he went in and has been fine since.  He turns 5 tomorrow and  has already had one family party. We will have the other half over on Thursday. I choose not to have friend parties in preschool, it would just be too crazy.  He requested to have a Jack Skelington cake and I of course was happy to oblige. While it wasn't anywhere near professional, he loved it.

Lauren is doing good. She is still receiving speech once a week in our home and it really is helping. She can now put words together and for the most part I understand what she is trying to tell us. A few words I wish she didn't know? Boobies! Boobies! Boobies! Which she proudly shouts while holding her chest. Oh yeah it is quite amusing when she points to her chest and says boobies. I say, no you don't have boobies. Then she turns to me and point to my chest and says Mommy boobies, big! Thank you big brothers. :~/  She also says butt head, but not with consistently. How is it that a kid that struggles with speech can say butt head clear as a bell?  We are working on her colors and she knows blue, purple, pink,  black, and yellow.

I finally finished the latest quilt and burp rags I was working on. With the shingles (which I recovered from nicely) and back to school craziness it kept being put on the back burner. Lauren's speech therapist was happy with it and I was glad to make it for her.

Burp rags

All my fabrics were leftovers from previous projects.

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Not too bad..