
Communication book

I saw the idea somewhere, perhaps on one of those nanny shows or in one of those parenting magazines. Anyway, I thought it was a great idea and decided to do it. What is it you may ask? Well basically it is a way to communicate with your kids. I want my kids to be able to talk to me about anything. I was able to talk to my mom about most things, but there were still topics I was too embarrassed to talk about. So, I decided to start this with Allison. I bought a cute pink polka dot composition book and wrote a note in it explaining the purpose for the book. I told her she could write in it as little or as much as she wanted. When she had to tell or ask me something she should write it in the book then put it on my bed and I would reply by the next night. I know there are some days that we are so busy we barely get to say anything to each other. I don't want to miss out on stuff that they feel is important in their life. When Nick starts to be able to write a little better I will start the same thing with him.  Hopefully this will be the beginning of great communication.



I was in intense pain yesterday. Of course it was exacerbated by the fact I had only three hours of sleep the night before. As a matter of fact the reason for such little sleep was because my head hurt too bad to sleep. Can you imagine? I was so tired, yet could not sleep because of pain and yet my Neurologist only thinks I need 10 pain pills a month to deal with the pain. What a crock. Thankfully my regular doctor will give me something even if it isn't as strong, it at least takes the edge off. I had even tried to ignore it and went out to breakfast with friends, but that didn't help. My eye felt like it was bulging out of my head, I was nauseated and the left side of my face was tingly. Nice , huh? That would just be another day in the life of yours truly. I am thankful that not all my migraines are that severe. Yesterday I was basically on my couch all day. Most of the time with a migraine, I can function. I know a lot of people just don't get it, but that is okay. Just because I am not writhing around or moaning does not mean I am not experiencing head pain. Sigh I try to not tell anyone I have a headache because I can only imagine how sick and tired my family and friends ore hearing about it. I know I am tired of it, how could they not be? When I woke up this morning, the pain was still there, but not as severe. I also try not take something if I can help it. Often just some food and coffee helps.  That worked for a bit, but then I had to unfortunately take something. You see, just the act of bending over and picking things up when I have a slight headache, intensifies the pain. Maybe people would use this as an excuse not to do something, but not me. I will not use this as a free pass out of the stuff that may cause me problems. I will just learn to adapt.  After all as the saying goes........


I am a Chiarian.

Kind of funny sounding isn't it? I feel like I should be seeking counsel from Captain Picard or Spock about my symptoms. Are Chiarians friends or enemies of the Kilngons? All kidding aside, I am trying to come to terms with my diagnosis. This last week I have just been kind of avoiding it. I have to educate myself, but I was hoping if I just ignored it that it would go away. Fat chance of that happening.  I have found support from not only family and friends, but from strangers that have the same thing. It is truly amazing who you can come in contact with through the Internet.  Everything I deal with now seems to have a different meaning or a least a new reason to why things happen. For example, if I have my head turned to one side for even a small amount of time I develop a headache and neck pain, that is the Chiari. When cleaning my bathroom I would get neck pain and a headache, even though I had a ton of ventilation. I realize now that is the Chiari.  On my quest to better insight of my diagnosis, I hope to educate others, so bear with me while I take you on this journey. ☺


They weren't lying

The meteorologists for once were 100% right. We got hit by a huge blizzard last week. The wind was so strong, at one point it ripped through our attic, lifting the attic door slightly then slamming it down. I believe it dumped about 20 in of snow on our area. That is taller than Lauren was at birth! It was hard for me to imagine how much we really got because our door is basically in a huge wind tunnel and all the snow blew right past us into the parking lot. The kids had two snow days and we enjoyed it. Unfortunately the second snow day it was much too cold to go out and enjoy the snow. I am talking -12 before wind chill! That is so cold that when you walk outside right away your inside of your nose freeze and does not defrost until you have been back in the warmth for about 20 minutes. LOL I took some pictures for your enjoyment. okay, who am I kidding? I needed to record this historic event. They are saying it was the 2 worse winter storm in history! (Or at least since they started recording such things.)  

Our window about 2 hours into the storm. The wind was blowing so hard I could not get a picture of the outside. 

The morning after. If was still snowing, but the wind had died down. 

The view outside our door. 

The businesses behind us. Yes, the snow is drifted halfway up the walls and doors! 

That is our van under all that snow.. In the background is a 6 ft. fence. You can see how high the snow was. 

Random snow drift in our parking lot.

Kids enjoying the snow. 


Let the snow storm begin!

The Midwest is bracing itself for a huge snow storm. Yikes, which means no school for the kidlets tomorrow. You know what? I am kind of excited. We can sit around all day in our pjs and just take it easy. We have the 3 Cs required for snow days with 4 kids, Cocoa, Cookies, and Cheetos. After all, what more does a little person need? We also have an endless supply of movies and I just picked up some fun craft stuff from Michaels. I also have books and crafts for myself to keep from going crazy. They are also calling for frigid temps which is disappointing because I wouldn't mind taking them out to go sledding or even build a giant snow ball like we did a few weeks ago.

Did you know, they have websites to teach you how to build a snowman? So incase, you don't know how, here is a link. http://www.thewonderofchristmas.com/games/how-to-build-a-snowman/

Spring, summer, and fall fill us with hope; winter alone reminds us of the human condition.  ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966