
I was stabbed!

Ok, it wasn't a real stabbing, more like an impalement, but the title got your attention, didn't it? LOL I was walking in the living room (with socks on I might add) and stepped on the eraser part of a pencil with one foot, while I impaled myself with the sharpened end. The whole thing happened so fast that I didn't even realize I had stepped on something until it was sticking out of my foot! (Yes it went right through my sock.) Holy crap it hurt so bad. My husband was outside so I had to have Alex, my 4 year old run out to get him. I couldn't pull it out because it was so far lodged in my foot. I was either going to puke or pass out from the pain. If I wasn't tyring not to pass out I would have taken a picture, because let's face it, that would have been an awesome, although gross picture. So instead, you should be satisfied with my war wounds and the instrument of torture.

Is it ironic that the pencil that got me has smiley faces on it?
Yes the tip was nice and sharp and that is my blood on it. 

Ouch. The entry point.

I could use a pedicure. The red mark to the left of the spot shows how far it it went.

Now that I have totally grossed you out and quite possibly made you puke in your mouth, have a great day!


Monday is almost over!

Yippee! Today is one of the reasons why people loathe Mondays. LOL It started this morning with Nicholas deciding that while I was getting dressed that he should go outside and spray our hose up in the air to make it rain. I forgot to add that it was about 65*, but he was smart enough to put on a raincoat. sigh I am sure people on the next block heard me yelling at him to get in the house. This would be the reason that the spigot handle has been permanently taken off and hidden, of course that hiding spot has to change often because Nick is good at sniffing it out. Off to school we go, only to have to run back home after they go inside to get their water bottles. So then I have to drag the younger two out of the car so I can bring the kids' water bottles inside. I told them from now on it is their responsibility to remember them and I will no longer bring them up there since they do have water fountains at the school. I take Alex to preschool and then the running begins. I had about four errands I had to run before I had to pick him up two and a half hours later. After I get him, he go to a few stores trying to find an affordable bed for Allison. Oh, that is right I forgot to mention that he bed completely broke in half a couple of days ago. No one was jumping on it. All that happened is my tiny 45 lb 8 year old sat on t. So after a frustrating trip, two crabby hungry kids, we ended up home empty handed. After all, we really don't have the money for that right now. Thankfully my dad had an extra twin frame that he is going to let us borrow until we get the money to buy a new bed for her. Geez, I hope he doesn't hold his breath. While hubby was at my dad's picking up the frame and a dresser, I took the kids to Nick's Pre-Karate class at the local park district.  That went well, but it will not be repeated. Back home to try and get it cleaned up since I was gone all day. I also had to take apart Allison's old bed and get rid of that. After that was out, I cleaned at least that small part of the floor and vacuumed. We finally ended up eating about 7:20, which is the kids bedtimes and 2 hours past our regular time.  So, now I sit here while the 3 older kiddies are tucked in bed and Miss Lauren is pulling all of the clothes I just folded out of the basket. You know what, I don't care, at least she isn't screaming and crying which she has been doing lately if she isn't attached to me like a baby monkey.

Tomorrow is my baby boy's 4th Birthday! It is amazing how time flies. He even says that I have 2 babies, him and Lauren.


Good Enough

That would be my counselor's favorite term. She has asked, "When is it going to be good enough for you?" That is a damn fine question. As I prepare to host Bunco at my house this evening, I am trying to make the house good enough. Meaning that they are not going to know that my front closet is bursting at the seam and the only thing stopping the mountain of  shit coats from falling out is the hook and eye latch on the outside of it. However, I start to feel panicky and think I need to rip everything out of there and organize. I know though if I do that, it will make an even bigger mess and I will just feel even more overwhelmed. So, I am desperately trying to have things good enough including myself. I recently had my oldest brother  and his family over for dinner which was the first time in about, oh four years at the least.  We had a great time and I plan on getting to together with my family more often.  My house was far from perfect or even spotless, but it was good enough for me. You know what, they didn't care about some clutter or a few toys laying around.  Allison even got to have a friend over to play because the house was good enough, that was the first time for her. Which is sad considering she is 8. Thankfully she has great friends with wonderful parents who understand that I have a hard time having kids over here.

I guess my issues stem from childhood, after all, don't they all? I was the only girl in our family and my father was old fashioned. Meaning, that I needed to learn to cook and clean, while my brothers still had chores, a lot of it was put on me. However if you ask them I was a spoiled brat. LOL My father use to tell me that he could never invite his friends over because our house was not clean enough and that of course was my fault. My mom had to work so I had to do a lot of  the cooking, cleaning, and laundry. By the time I was a freshman in high school I could make a mean pot roast. I know that the way I was raised has made me into the woman I am today, both good and bad. I just wish that I can accept things to be good enough, both myself and my home.


Ahh Life.

It definitely has its ups and downs.  However living with a child who has ADHD & ODD it tends to have more downs than ups.  With these children, they are not "bad" kids and they do not have bad or lazy parents. It is not a discipline problem. We can not give them an attitude "adjustment" aka spanking and fix them. It is an imbalance of sorts, something they can not help. Knowing that does not make one's life any easier. Our mornings start off decent enough, but then he starts. Nicholas's favorite thing to do is to terrorize his siblings to the point that they run screaming because they are scared he will hurt them. Now, we have a very simple morning routine. They kids eat breakfast, brush their teeth, get dressed (clothes are picked out the night before) and if there is time after everyone is ready they get to watch some morning cartoons before heading off to school. Simple right? Nope.  Nick is up at least 15-20 minutes before everyone else and he is still the last one to get ready. He prefers instead to fight and aggravate everyone in the house. I would just love to have a morning where I do not have to threaten him with grounding after school.  That doesn't even seem to work anymore. His favorite phrase, well besides I HATE YOU!! is Who cares? UGH! Believe me, I feel that way more times than not.  I sometimes feel so hopeless. What did I do to deserve such a child?   My older brother was hyperactive as a child and it is times like this that I wish I had my mom to talk to about how she handled him.  Maybe he is this way because of me. Perhaps I drank too much coffee during pregnancy, or maybe it was because he was not breastfed.  Nick and Allison are only 18 months apart, maybe my body didn't have enough time to recooperate before I became pregnant again. I guess I could live my life with the whys, the problem is trying to figure out where to go from here. Life is a constantly never ending high stress, and I wonder why I suffer from migraines.  I have read books and researched in internet. I just need to know, will it ever get better or will it get worse as he becomes older and stronger. Will he start to become physical with me? What do you do then?  Yesterday he threw a toy at the couch, well I happened to be sitting in front of the couch on the floor so it hit me right on the top of the head instead. Even though I knew it was an accident. it didn't feel like it.  He apologized, but I think secretly he was aiming at me, otherwise why throw it in the first place? Well, I guess I will go back to my laundry and Lauren has a dirty diaper. Until next time...