The first day of school!!!!! Yeah, yippee (doing the happy dance). Granted, they will only be gone for three hours the first day, but still it will be so nice! In honor of tomorrow, I will post a poem my very clever friend posted this morning on a popular networking site.
Twas the night before school started, when all through the town, the parents were cheering, it was a riotous sound. By 8, kids were washed, & tucked into bed, when memories of homework filled them with dread. New pencils, new folders, new notebooks, too, new teachers, new friends-their anxiety grew.
The parents just giggled when they... learned of this fright..and shouted,"Upstairs! GO TO BED! IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT!"
The Garfield Club lives on!
Well, sort of. LOL When we were younger, myself and two other friends decided to have our own club and since we all loved that sarcastic cat Garfield, he was our namesake. :) The three of us got together last night for food and 1/2 price margaritas and we had a blast. It is amazing that even though we might not see each other for a few weeks or even months, we can start talking like we never were apart. I guess that is how it is like that with friends that have known each other for ahem 20 or so years. After the food was eaten and drinks consumed (don't worry we each only had one since we were all driving.) we sat and talked about anything and everything. The funny thing was our again mutual enjoyment of a cartoon. No, it wasn't Garfield anymore, but Phineas and Ferb. They are a cartoon on the Disney Channel. I love those two little guys and my daughter has been nicknamed Candace after the boys' older sister who is constantly trying to get them in trouble. So perhaps, we will rename our club the Phineas and Ferb Girls.
Here is Garfield that sarcastic, lasagna eating kitty with teddy Pookie.
Here is Garfield that sarcastic, lasagna eating kitty with teddy Pookie.
Here is Phineas and Ferb riding the waves with their pet platypus Perry, who also moonlights as a secret agaent.

Who wants to switch heads?
Seriously I am so sick of being in freaking pain all. the. time! Chronic headaches/migraines suck butt! I have tried so many things. My insurance doesn't cover a chiropractor and I can't afford one right now, or I would try that. It is pretty pathetic when I get excited because I can go a whopping 4-6 days without a headache. Okay, pity party done.. *sigh*
I survived!
Now, you may be thinking what in the heck are you talking about?! I am talking about our family's two week long car trip/vacation. We drove for 2 days to DisneyWorld, yes I did say drove with four kids 8 & under. All I have to say is I bless the person who invented drop down dvd players and wireless headphones. LOL My parents in law (is that even a term?) went as did a brother and sister in law. We stayed in the Mouse's territory for 7 days, but one day we left the entire area (I know I just heard you gasp) to go to an outlet mall. My husband just felt the need to get out of the Mouse's clutches. LOL However, guess what store we went to? A Disney one, we found a store that the park sends all of their closeout items to for a super discounted rates. We were able to pick up a few cheap souvenirs. We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge and it was so nice! After visiting with the Mouse, we headed about and hour and a half away to visit my brother and his family for three days. We had a great visit and I wish we lived closer. After our visit with them, it was on our way home, but first we stopped in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in the heart of the Smoky Mountains. It was an absolutely beautiful area. We didn't do a lot of walking because, by then we were all worn out and hiking up a mountain with four worn out kids in 90* weather is not my idea of a good time. We planning on going back when the kids are older. Three days later we were finally on our way home. We had a wonderful trip, but like Dorothy put it so eloquently, There is no place like home! Yes, I missed my bed, shower, tv, couch, but what I missed most was my animals. I know what a dork, but any animal lovers out there will understand. So we are now back to normal life, well as normal as life can be. Hopefully I can get on here more often, that is in between life.
Cinderella's Castle at night.
Cinderella's Castle at night.
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