
Puke, puke, and more puke!

Happy Birthday to me. My gift? two kids with the stomach flu who have puking on and off since 6 pm last night. I got about 3 hours of sleep last night. My oldest didn't make it to the bucket a couple of times, so instead it got all over the bed and pillow. Hey, at least her hair was missed. So I had to strip the bed. Nothing like doing laundry at 1 am. It seemed that every time I had just fallen asleep, I could hear her start to vomit and the whole thing would start again. My 2 year old also has it and even if I put a bucket or bowl under his mouth, he won't use it. However, he will puke in a towel. It is now 9am and I have used almost every towel we own and am running dangerously low on Clorox 2 and laundry detergent. So far my daughter has not puked this morning and was able to hold down a cup of tea. The baby drank an entire cup of juice and held that down for about 15 minutes before it all came right back on my couch. So our stairs, rug, and couch have been puked on. Yes, my house smells lovely. I am going to have to borrow my mother-in-law's steam cleaner and see if I can get rid of the smell. If I can't fix the carpet, it will be thrown out. I used carpet cleaner and water and scrubbed it by hand, but it didn't make a difference. I have not showered since Thursday, gross I know, but tis the life of a busy mom. My husband worked all day yesterday, is working today and will be working everyday until Christmas. I'm sure he is happy to be away from the puking brigade because he does not do well with puke. I don't think he could have handled being puked all over his back like I did last night. Maybe someone up there thinks this is a funny trick to play on an already stressed mom who has a lot to get done in the next three days. If so, I'm not laughing. I just pray I don't get sick because quite frankly, I don't have the time right now. 

So, Happy Birthday to me. ;) 


Baby its cold outside

and we are supposed to be getting some snow and ice. Woohoo! I can't wait. Can you tell that I am dripping with sarcasm? Tomorrow is the kids' last day before they are off on Winter break. I'm thinking they may be be canceling schools. The storm is supposed to hit this evening and last until well into tomorrow. We can get anywhere from 3-10" with ice.
I've been feeling pretty good and at times forget I'm pregnant, that is until I go to bend over and pick something off the floor. I'm sure you are scratching your head wondering how and that is a good question. I think it is probably because I don't have constant nausea anymore, though I do get tired a lot and it isn't like the baby moves 24 hours a day, but let me tell you, when he or she does, I know it! If this keeps up, I may have a broken bone or punctured organ by the time I deliver.  LOL I can't believe I only have 17 weeks left give or take a week (more like take one or three). Time is just flying by and I can't seem to catch up. Christmas is next week already. I swear, just yesterday it was Halloween.
I'm starting to get a little nervous about how I'm going to handle four kids. I mean around my house I get caught up on one thing only to turn around and find that a bazillion other things have fallen apart. I know it is normal, but some days it gets a little overwhelming. I know I'll get through it all, I think we all need a moment of panic every once and a while. 


No new ultrasound for me.

*sigh* Went to the doctor yesterday and according to the radiologist's report, they were able to see the heart fine so that means no ultrasound. I guess this little one is living up to be a big surprise in more ways than one. LOL! You know, I really don't mind. We did not find out what we were having with our first, so it only seems fitting that we don't with our last. So I guess I will have to start looking at both boy and girl names. Hmm, I already have a couple in mind, but I'm not sure how my husband will feel about them. As with our last baby, we won't be telling the names we picked until this one is born. :) Many of you know that two of my kids start with A and one with an N. So to answers some questions, no we did not plan it like that and no I will not only be looking for N names. We pick names according to if we like them, not what they start with.



Just thought I'd put up the ultrasound picture and a new belly shot. I have finally had to break down and start wearing maternity tops most of the time. I can still wear some of my regular sweaters and my husband's sweatshirts. Oh and I love wearing my maternity overalls, they are so comfy! I'll be seeing the doctor this Wednesday and should be scheduling another ultrasound soon.