There was nothing really new to report. I was still feeling like crap, so how much can one person complain? We did tell the kids the day I had my ultrasound and they were excited especially our daughter. You would have thought we told her Christmas was the next day.
I saw the doctor yesterday. My official due date now is April 17, 2009. I did not gain any weight this month, but I didn't lose any so that is good. I met a different doctor in the practice and she was super friendly and nice. She prescribed me Zofran for my nausea and Immitrex for my migraines. So far, I haven't had to use either.
My next appointment will be November 11th and they will schedule another ultrasound then. Hopefully the baby will cooperate and let us see between his or her legs. I'm going to be taking a new belly picture, so stay tuned.